Henrik Klitstr?m (Hobbitten) - g
Bjarni Olsen - g
Anders S?rling Stub - dr
Nikolaj Lykke Nielsen (ElectroNik) - b

Personal changes with On Trial brought Anders Stub - Drums (Ex Royal Beat Conspiracy / Mother Superior) and Bjarni Olsen - Rhythmguitar. Guf Lorenzen and Anders Skjordt went off to form Baby Woodrose. The album title shows that the others are not going to give up and On Trial is still doing good old Acid Rock. The songs are shorter, more compact and so overflowing like on the last album 4 years ago. But the orgastic "BLOW YOUR MIND in 40 minutes" stays!

On Trial - Higher! Review by: hogfeldt (StonerRock.com) Label: Bad Afro Records Release Date: OUT NOW! 7 Vinyl Single (45 rpm) One of the best Danish bands around, On Trial, are back with a new release... but with a slightly different sound this time around... This 7 incher is released by übercool danish label Bad Afro Records (the same goes for the new BABY WOODROSE 7 incher). The song on the A-side of this 45 rpm single is called Higher!... this song is heavier than most stuff On Trial have released to date, and instead of a psychedelic sound this one leans more towards the garagerock sound... itīs a heavier and dirtier sound than Iīve come to expect from these guys, and itīs damned good! The song on the B-side, Thatīs Right, both have something of that classic On Trial sound and at the same time it has a heavy garagerock sound... psychedelia and garage rock, not a bad combo! Judging from how this 7 incher sounds we can look forward to yet another great On Trial album this fall (?) Songs: A-side: Higher! B-side: Thatīs Right

Limited Ed. of 300

rereleased as CD 2004 with bonus tracks

bought tis one when it came out. still listen to it, loving the sounds, the lyrycs ("i wrote you a letter with your name on the tag..." and especially his vocals. to me songs structures were simpler then, but who cares. Ps. Met them at the molotov (hamburg) one or 2 years later. we were all psychelic-minded and i asked them after the show if they could live on their music...there was a two second pause, then they all laughed...