Michael Bloom, bass & guitar
Jon Proudman, drums
and guests

This is the second record of Tim Mungenast and his friends. Itīs said to be more psychedelic, maybe. Tracks like __Candles__ where you end up sitting on top of the highest hill in Tibet or __Heīs radio__ where you will be introduced to a DJ who was transformed into radio waves when he died. __Invaders from Below__ take you from cristal clear to acid saw guitar. Texts are surrealistic and the songlines are not only cathy but painted in many sonic colors. Great stuff!

Timīs first record contains 11 songs (and a hidden bonus track) from psychedelic instrumentals, far eastern tunes, funny freaky sounds, surrealistic texts to experimental synth sound. So this record wonīt be boring any minute! I think I love the catchy and eerie psychedelic tune "Demons" the most, or the freaky sound collage of the hidden track called "Masters of Cranberry", I just canīt decide.