David Green - dr
Steven Thompson - b
David Welsh - g
Gemma Bradshaw - perc

A absolute treat a 43 minute continous flow of music in which you get taken to many spectrums of the musical sphere. This is a real psychedelic experience, it kicks in first with Always Trippin a real arse kicking song with comparisons with The Doors not unjustified, we are then treated to some blinding guitar riffs during the instrumental Daileys Revenge pt 1. Next up is Know your Buddha which takes you into a drug induced haze before lifting you up with the memorable I Became the Light. Memory Lapse is a brillant song with haunting vocals by vocalist Nick Grimes, the next song is my favourite Waiting for the Answer starts slowly before kicking into a guitar induced madness which has you playing air guitar immediately. Uncontrollable Soul is a strong tune to and fully demonstrates the ecletic elements of the band. Daileys Revenge pt 3 is another brainstormer with guitars, drums and bass coming together in a psychedelic explosion. The tempo is kept upbeat with the lyrically strong Chemical Youth, Creatures is a fitting finale and brings the album to an extremely fitting climax. Basically a great album not one weak song amongst the 10 10/10.
strawberry hearts, last track, is quite simply one of the best flowing tracks by any band ever.(think err NEU meets Strawberry Fields) taken as whole beautiful, emotional, intelligent, proud,loving. nick sings in a colour machine lit feasting hall while groovy damsels wait outside for the psychedelics to joust for them!