Lance Bunda - Text
Carol Muriel - voc

Thirty years later all is different, so is Brainticket. But its a clear Reflection of the times between. Their electronic soundscapes have clear danceable parts that remind on Techno (is it gone? Real? Yeah!). But similiar to the "Tokyo Space Cowboys" it never gets boring or shake you out. On the other hand there are also rocking grooving sounds that takes you by the hand to further spaces beyond. A fine comeback in the veins of Space.

i first heard cottonwood hill back in the early 70´s. it completely blew me away. As i recall, the original jacket boasted that it was a ´musical interpretation of an LSD trip'. it lived up to its name. try 'psychonaut´ as well for a trippy experience
One of the most feared Trip records. Full of eerie sounds dark rumbles and Teenage Angst lyric. Sounds interesting? Indeed give it a try to proove you as a hero.