__Lineup:__ __Sula Bassana__ (Dave Schmidt) Elli Popelli (Silke Fugamnn) {Weltraumstaunen => Weltraumstaunen} __Chris Schwartkinsky__ Johnson Noise / {Liquid Visions => Liquis+Visions} __Jürgen Grunz__ Johnson Noise The sound is spherical, picturesque, psychedelic, unearthly and floating. But they remind me more of early Pink Floyd than WCPAEB. Anyway: one of my favourites of this year.

Guest Singer is Jodi Barry (Zone Six)
Tracks are from 1998-2003

heavy vinyl, foldout book-sleeve with insert
When it´s up to taking 10 records to the lonely island, this one will come along. "My Blue Guitar" is such an impressingly beautyful track - I find no words. Maybe I´ll take my waterresistant MP3 Player and put the other Sula Bassana stuff on it aswell :-)
From Aural Innovations #20 (July 2002) This is the solo project of Dave, the bass player in Liquid Visions, Zone Six and the now defunkt, Growing Seeds. He plays all the instruments on this fantastic psychdelic adventure of an LP. Great special packaging on the record as well. The first side is the heavy side and the 2nd side is the more dreamy spaced out one. "Dreamer" starts the record and is an excellent psychdelic rock song with cool keyboards and guitars. "Dealer McDope" is a very cool Hawkwind inspired track with some great freakouts in the middle. "My Blue Guitar" is a great floating song that could have appeared on Pink Floyd Meddle or Obscured by Clouds. Fantastic stuff! "Nervenlähmung" closes side A and is an experimental soundscape, like something one of the old Krautrock bands from the early 70´s might produce. Quite cool. Side B starts with the nearly 13 minute "Ananda". This track is a slow track with a droning piano line upon which the song is then built, and includes a sitar and other exotic instruments. The last track is the "Baby Blue shuffle in D minor" composed by Pink Floyd. What an excellent release. I sure hope that Dave will let his creative spirits flow free again and a Sulu Bassana 2 will emerge. One of the best psychedelic releases of 2002 that I have heard!