red vinyl
There must be a lot of photos of Dan Treacy & Jowe Head hanging in bedrooms/studios throughout Germany. Or at least a large portion of the TVPīs fanclub inhabits the country. Somewhere, someone - could it be Ralf Claussen? - can feel his spine tingling even at this mere suggestion. Call it a hunch, but something tells me TGW might just be old Ralfy doing the one-man-as-band thing. And thatīs OK. Maybe heīs just a particular kindīve guy. It certainly sounds like that might be the case, judging from the sound īn feel of this LP. Thereīre a coupleīve straight ahead fall-apart rockers, but the ones that are the real toe-tappers sound like Jowe Headīs Pincer Movements LP remastered by Outrageous-era Kim Fowley during a binge in a nitrous oxide lab, esp. īthe Cakeī - at 15.27, thatīs more than enough time for a carload of clowns (or one) to inhale many a cannister, exhale, & stomp on everything in sight - fuzzboxes, phase shifters, wah-wahs, a Roland - which is what happens. It is certainly an album w/ its moments, though Iīd never think to insinuate that itīs the kindīve record īfor youī (I wouldnīt even say that itīs necessarily īfor meī), but for that certain someone out there - you know who you are - I would think this would be indispensable. And seeinī as how they only pressed 299 of īem, you can bet The Green Windows think so too. -Tom Lax