Tim Norton - g
Richard Hurworth - b
Sam Turner - violin, keyb
Tim Williams - dr

i recorded Harrold Jaunna first album. At no point did i have all the band in the studio at the same time. I know they are live and thats what i wanted to do. I put up the studio time for free and still they could not be bothered to take advantage of that. Hind sight is a wonderful thing. tim
Amazing Band Caught them live once in HW back in the early 90īs I believe and fell in love with their music Still listen to it now but have lost my Mystic Runes CD :D And live just isnt the same GOOD GOOD Memories

a school up in wolverhampton was the venue for this live recording on cocaine. great fun and a great day getting blottoed was had by all exept the fat slag who wanted to go home again...thanks to the lonndoner lads for the substances and thanks to whoever bought it.
this album sucked .... the boy who recorded it put a click track on it and peed off the whole band with his winging ways and temper tantrums. i suppose for a first effort it was great but juana were a live band not a have a shower band and listen to the radio. we all enjoyed recording it only becoz it really upset the guy who twiddled the nobs
someone asked what happened to harrold juana? well thats a long story... lets just say we all had a dam good groovy time .... the bass player is in rehab... again... the lead singer is busy in slough getting down no doubt to some wicked tunes and art work. the keyboard player joined im a fat slag commune in who the hell knows whereshire. The rythm guitarist is in Denham painting houses and the drummer is being a drummmer everywhere. Getting back to rehab... a small price to pay for such wonderful mind expanding times. its true what they say... some of us never come down or grow old... jusy carry on having fun and dam good fun at that....... memories are alls that left or you can go to harrold juana .com...... emily... hello from riki rock star.... say hi to your dad
iīm timīs daughter right now all the band members are off doing their own thing , dad is in a couple of bands at the moment one of them being bootstrap who are awesome! www.thebootstrap.co.uk check them out!
I was around in the Harrold days. I followed them to the Mean Fiddler and what a riot. They were t e r r i f i c without a doubt and wasted their time not trying to get more recognition. Oh where are you now guys?