Auf Dem Loh 18
D - 30167 Hannover, Germany
Fon & Fax: +49 (0) 511 715720

Four beautiful long tracks in the usual high quality and typical style of the band. On "Floating at the Gates of Dawn" there´s Hawkwind´s Nick Turner on flute and saxophone.

After the incredible re-release of MGLS´s album Beyond the mushroam gate on Liquid Sound Records, here comes the band´s brand new 10 record that features the first time Timo on vocals. His crazy singing is brilliant; it fits perfectly to the mesmerizing soundscapes. The tracks are mostly mellow with floaty audio generator style noises and with gentle jamming. Their fully-fledged experimental psychedelic madness with spaced out and cosmically fried guitar work makes this tranced out audio landscape to a blissful, but relaxed experience. Space Rave is one of the most convincing psychedelic albums I have heard in a long, long time.(HM)