Scott Ballew
Mick Wilson

From Angelfire: Another winner from Rainbow Quartz, and quite possibly the most life-affirming thing you´ll hear for a very long time. The Shazam, for those of you still to be untouched by their greatness, are three rock ´n roll stallions from Tennessee, and they make a sound that evokes memories of some of the best summer´s of you life. In reverse order, The Shazam have a kinship with The Who, The Move, and, more importantly, the whole psychedelic movement of the late sixties/early seventies. Garage psychedelia, you could call it, but Rev9 definitely has it´s own character, this is no re-hash of glories past. Opener, "On the Airwaves" is a song that is made to be played while your getting ready to go out for the best night of you life. In fact, "Rev9" has a definite soundtrack feel to it. Beautiful harmonies, hooks you could hang an elephant on, and some of the most upbeat, sparkling music of the last year. So, just why the fuck are they hanging around with Paul Weller?