Adam Goldman
Sean Lynch
Tofer Towe
Rachel Blumberg

Woronzow says: īsnowflake & Fingerprint Machineī is a stone cold work of genius. One of the best thing weīve heard for years. Itīs as simple as that. Adamīs been working on this album for two whole years! And it shows. Itīs complex without being too anal, itīs beautifully produced. The songs are strange, twisted ballads full of odd imagery and unexpected tangents, but always fantastically melodic. Great harmonies, and wonderful playing on an array of usual and unusual instruments. Youīve got your guitars, keyboards, bass (mostly upright string bass) and drums, but also brass sections, theremins, electronic effects, string sections, analogue synths and lot more. Itīs a magnificent piece of work which we truly believe dumps all over Mercury Rev, Flaming that.