Mark Laughlin
Jason Simon

roddy youre a pile of ignorant poop.
One Of The best indie bands out today, sorry roddy. Dead Meadow stole the rock crown while most other bands were tuning their overpriced guitars or tryin to figure out how to do cool stage posing in front of a mirror.
Dead Meadow sounds like your bathroom plumbing gone horribly wrong. A sorry ass tenth rate Sabbath/Cream rip-off without not 1/100 of the life and magic of those two great bands. Stear-clear. One for the bargain-bin.

Dead Meadow´s second offering deserves a good listen and demands a strong mind. Because ´Howls From The Hills´ elevates you out of your chair for a surrealistic ride through cosmic smoke in unknown solar systems where electric is cool and weird is happy. The mind-blasting opener ´drifting Down Streams´ with its unbelievable intro knocks the top right of your head and after a few tracks you almost forget to breath out of pure excitement and joy. ´Howls From The Hills´ is one of the most amazing records in rock music today and a mark in the stoner genre. The high pitched, relaxed (stoned) vocals and the wah wah guitars take you on a superb seventies trip. Imagine Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Hendrix and Hawkwind rocking together on an all night acid bash. This album is not just a psychedelic record, its a tribute to hallucinogens and a prayer for our space and earth. The eight tracks grow very naturally and variation is the key word. Listening to ´One And Old´ now and my mind becomes very hazy. I turn out the lights and put the stereo up a little bit. The gloomy guitars play stoned doomriffs while the drums cry pure emotion. I am now fully devoted to the ´Howls From The Hills´. (by Xander van Aart)

Stoner without doom, a lot of 70´s feeling and long guitar solos. The sound is nearly laid back, remarkably for this genre. The production is a bit basic, but the guitar in it´s multifolded acid shades makes it to a real psychedelic experience.