Brandon La Belle - perc, dr, loops
Ryan Kirk - b, synth, voc, g
Scott Rusch - g, tronic
Add. Musicians:
Michael Esther
Doran Shelly
Dan, Planet Kuag Meyer
Lisa Papaneu

Iīve gone back to their records time and time again. For a space rock as rock band these guys work contemporary tech. and feel as if they were the swooning blend of Can/Hawkwind/Wipers all grown up for the this century. They have a little profile in the Stoner Rock scene and Iīm hoping theres a place out there they get mor attention.

Farflung is a unambiguous gem of clear sonic art; their music cuts through all musical, all kinds of miserable mental and emotional boundaries. Although this record is a couple of years old, itīs still definitely worth to appreciate it. The former, English Bad Acid Records (and īZine) - enslaved the enormous īTaste the painī CD of Church of Misery, too - released this 7-tracker CD with a pure and very expressing digipack layout. In their wonder-worker songs they offer something perfectly unnamable essence of pure atmospherical pleasure with a deepest kind of esoteric and spiritual approaching, and all these emotional experiences contained in their music wonderfully fit to their great musical manifestations with hot, cool and exciting grooves and riffs, high-skilled technicism in handling the instruments, and so on... Farflung is a nostrum, probably we can go on knowing each of their many releases for a future interview in Psychedelic! Contact: PO Box 931124, Los Angeles, CA 90093, USA, e-mail: otic@earthlink.net (PC)