Tony Farina
Bruce Carothers
Mr. Boo

I just payed $150 for a signed copy of this CD Idont feel ripped off cause I really wanted something signed by Mitch Hello Its Me ???? WTF the Lavalamp is cool Long Long Time is very boring and sad. Daydream by Eric Snyder whoever the fuck he is got the 1st track and its a little pop song just not what I expected I guess this is why it was the last CD they did ! oh well
Mitch is back to playing again I saw him with Tom Constanten of The Grateful Dead the other night. Darstar, China Cat>Rider good fun.
Mitch Cooper of The Inn, Tom Constanten of The Grateful Dead and Ken Foust and Tommy Ballenger of The Other People played a show in Charlotte NC 2/4/12 that included Darkstar, China Cat Sunflower>I Know You Rider, The Race Is On and plenty more Goodies real hot show. Cant wait to se these guys do it again !!!!!!
I have this CD it is killer I saw The Inn in London 1991. I hope to see Mitch agian I hear he is in a Mental Hospital. If anyone knows when he is playing please let me know on the message board
Mitch is out playing ! I saw him the other night in NODA/Charlotte He played 2 songs off the Psychedelic Schedule LP and it was just wonderful I hope he will be out touring soon Thank You Mitch Much Love John Connan
Mitch!!! Were are you?? are u ever gonna play again I miss going to the Inn shows Portland 91 was my fave. where ever u are we all love u and miss you please come out to play Danny and Linda

EVERYBODY !!!! I saw Mitch Play in Charlotte at NODA on 10/17/10 He played Marlwood Lake and Infinitys Beginning. He Looked good and sounded great! Thanks Mitch Ive been waiting 14 years to see you Tom and Sandy

Devo, it´s Lee Howard. I want a copy. See the top of the page reviews to grab my contact info and email me please. Thanks,
Ive got copies of that single; I did the cover... If I see fresh contact here we´ll find a way to connect!
Chuck, If you find this or any other music by The Inn, please let me know. Used to see these guys around Charlotte and I´d love to add their music to my collection. jameslickert@gmail.com
Does anybody know where I can get this record??? I was at the Boston show that year please help ChuckINN@ yahoo.com

I am so glad to see people still talking about this band . Friends, roommates, and generally fun guys. I love and miss you.
It´s their best work and still available if you look; just saw one recently for about fifty dollars still in the wrap. I´m very proud of the cover, some of my best work and happiest times. Please contact me at thirdlockdevo@yahoo.com
I picked up this record after looking for it for years. I paid a high price over 100 bucks but it is worth it. I would love to see them again.
Mitch were are u???? Are u ever going to play in NY again?? I heard u were in a mental ward, if so I hope you get well soon. Susan
this is one trippy LP I saw them in 87 in chicago ad was killer.
This is the Best LP to trip by I LOVE it thanks Mitch for the good time

Hey Mitch we are waiting for you to play some shows in CA. I heard u are gonna play please come out this was. I saw the Inn 58 times and look forward to seeing you soon
Mitch I hope u r ok and will play out soon. I really want to here Marlwood Lake and soon love Dawn
Mitch Cooper will never stop. he is a pioneer and responsible for helping tons of musicians get started and keep going. I was in Charlotte in those years and lived at the INN house for awhile. I then rented the OLD INN house and lived there for awhile. Mitch Cooper and Co----you rule!
if Mitch Cooper only knew how special He is;the talent that is in His mind ONLY,He could push on after a 10 year break!He is ready...are you guys????Wishes of inner peace to Him;He needs to hear His fans...Let Him come back,I know you are there....send the vibes!He is so "GRATEFUL" for all you guys gave Him,not a day goes by w/out thinking & talking of His journey.If an Angle could kiss Him ever so gently on the forhead & let Him know YOU GUYS ARE STILL HERE!peace to you all,singed a most loving mate of Mitchs´!