Paul Casanova - g, tronics
John Ortega - synth, processed sounds
Paul Hilzinger - synth
Russell Giffen - b
Rob Giffen - g, loops

Free-rock, out-rock, post-rock, psych, avant and space rock. All of these terms have been used to describe the music of Escapade. Escapade is a New York City based instrumental band, formed in February 1996 by drummer Hadley Kahn, who is also currently collaborating with Richard Franecki of F/i & Vocokesh, and with Colin Potter (Nurse With Wound, Organum, Christoph Heemann, etc]. The current line-up, besides Kahn, consists of Paul Casanova (guitar, prepared guitars & electronics), John Ortega (synths, processed bass, various processed sounds), Paul Hilzinger (synths, sampler, and whatever else he can get his hands on), Russell Giffen (bass) and Rob Giffen (guitar & loops). Kahn´s intention in forming the band was to explore rock-based "spontaneous" composition. However; unike some others who employ the same approach, Escapade´s music boasts a remarkably consistent cohesion, which at times has even caused some to comment that it actually sounds composed. In an article for Progression magazine, Matthew Martens wrote: "(Instead of) laying down a solid, propulsive groove and letting each other run loose in lengthy, flashy solos over the top, Escapade (prefer to create) a single, collectively-evoked sound-mass." They truly create their own brand of music, with little reference to other established names who populate the same musical genret Rule #3 is Escapade´s latest CD, and Martens´ "sound-mass" description has never been more accurate. This can be considered a trance-rock album, with most of the tracks using repetitive structures and drones either as founding blocks or as reinforcements. Rule #3 also contains their only cover track ever 99% improvised version of Pink Floyd´s interstellar Overdrive. So whether you´re new to the band or a long time follower; it´s time to check out the latest aural hallucinogenic from Escapade! Promo text from submerge