Mark Abshire - b
Ruben Romano - dr, perc, sitar

Powerful spacerock, they became more psychedlic with this record - well that my first impression. I loved this record all way through. Titles like "Opiate Float" give you a first impression. "Cosmic cocktail of heavy riffs, electric blues and psychedelic space rock" (Liquor and Poker Music)

At first, I must say, Nebula doesnīt really impressed me in the past, they were too close to Fu Manchu. The only one I liked was the split with Lowrider, and in my mind Nebula was a good live band, which canīt ban their live energy on tape. But this here is a great release, the boys havenīt changed their style, but they have developed it. You have the straight rockers at the one and southern influenced halfballads (or shall I say Love Songs?) at the other side. Besides this I hear some Hendrix Guitars and with ?Instant Gravitation a short spacey intro or bridge, call it how you want, between the two ballads. The good sound makes Nebula better than Fu Manchu, but itīs not only the sound, itīs also the alternation between the single songs. This is a must for all Stoner Freaks, buy it, copy it, but hear it. (TS)

First track "To the center" is a mix of Black Sabbath and Hawkwind and goes straigt to the center of spacerock. "Freedom" with 7 minutes the longest and "Fields of Psilocybin" most psychedelic Song. "I need Somebody" - an old Stooges track - great, dirty, just as it should be. For this job they engaged Mark Arm, who is doing it really well. The rest is mostly Stonerrock with fine Acid/Spacerock Lines.

Reissue with 2 xtra Tracks available