Dick Field
Simon Das Gupta

As a true fan I didnīt expect anything else than what this records delivers. Call it "catchy psych-pop", thatīs ok and has never been different with Mick Crossley. I still canīt decide, which one will be my favourite track this time.

Although itīs been out couple of years I have just only came accross the CD and itīs fantastic - Listening to it all the time especially five lane super highway also dragonfly is a favorite. If you get a chance get hold of a copy. Bron

The vinly is long sold out, but you shouldnīt give up trying to get one. Itīs exceptional for every acid eater.
With it you will hopefully get a good to mint record of finest psychpopacidrock records of the beginning 90s. The whole thing mixed with surrealistic lyrics, moments of the hip 60s and sound collages like Pink Floyd.