RUPERT drms, perc

´Mask´ is an intricately crafted guitar masterpiece...the vocals only serving to haunt while the guitars sing, slide and soar leaving you in a semi-hypnotic trance wondering just how the fuck they created that sound. ´Fix´...is reminiscent of the Velvet Underground with guitars that scuttle and then come back at you, the vocals again playing a submissive role. Strobe don´t neglect vocals, they are there to add poignancy in the way that Loop used to understate their singing. ´Stasis´ is a progression of the ´Maya´ sound, held together by a repetitive rhythm, a monotone, prowling bass and guitars pining in the background. Strobe seem to have found a formula and it´s all about rhythms, guitar effects and causing altered states of mind without using drugs, though if you put both together you have an irresistible experience.´ SUCK Fanzine (UK)
Poor production on one or two tracks diminishes what is an excellent range of material. ´mask', ´stasis´ and 'Fix´ are as good as anything Strobe have produced. Likewise "Obsession´ an almost 'goth´ like slice of heavy psychedelic rock and "Chameleon Earth´ with its swirling hypnotic guitar sound. Maybe a couple of tracks just let it down a little but this is a good album!

´Strobe are a phenomenon. Their music is raw spacerock. It sounds heavy without being ´heavy metal´ and gloomy without being ´goth´. Three(!) guitarists generate swirling waves of guitar effects and boomily meditative riffs.´ ´my Way´, German magazine
´Strobe may have made an important album careerwise, an LP that could attract a larger audience than they have got so far. ´the Circle Never Ends´ sounds mature enough to make them grow above the status of ´underground´ band. A fine psychedelic album. Recommended.´ Crohinga Well (Belgium)
´Whether locked into a groove or spiralling out into hyperspace, Strobe´s guitars drill holes into your psyche. Strobe´s enveloping world of cosmic headfuck guitars could be the sound of contemporary rock in the ´90´s.´ Metal Hammer (UK) 1994
This is Strobe´s best space rock album! Only ´the Shining Path´ 2001 which is extremenly rare is as strong an album. Highlights include ´the Circle Never Ends´ , 'Perihelion´ and ´listen (To This Voice of Reason)´ but the trip is consistenty good throughout. For pure ´mindfuck music´ this is the one!!
This is Strobe´s best space rock album! Only ´the Shining Path´ 2001 which is extremenly rare is as strong an album. Highlights include ´the Circle Never Ends´ , 'Perihelion´ and ´listen (To This Voice of Reason)´ but the trip is consistenty good throughout. For pure ´mindfuck music´ this is the one!!
This is Strobe´s best space rock album! Only ´the Shining Path´ 2001 which is extremenly rare is as stong an album. Highlights include ´the Circle Never Ends´ , 'Perihelion´ and ´listen (To This Voice of Reason)´ but the trip is consistenty good throughout. For pure ´mindfuck music´ this is the one!!

´maya recalls the grey cloudburst moods of New Order´s Movement....the album is quintessentially pretty poison for a quintessentially pretty death.´ College Music Journal (US)
´It´s a sound that´s never consummated, the music of desire without a destination. Strobe play as if there were no tomorrow.´ Melody Maker (UK) 1992
Strobe´s 'Krautrock´ album gets 'heavier´ as it goes along culminating in "Pain Or Pleasure´ with some truly 'hardcore´ guitar sounds. Highlights include the aboriginal mantra ´dreamtime´ and the space rock of ´vicious Circle'. ´stoned´ tracks like 'Nameless Day 1´ show this to be an album of extremes, there are no hit singles on ´maya'!

"You can compare the extraordinary underground music of Strobe to the slow cooking of exotic ingredients....´see Beyond the Sun´ stimulates the brain with alien dance rhythms in such songs as ´spiral', ´the Cry', 'Frozen Hate´ and 'Infinite Eye'..... The Cure´s Pornography is brought to mind. Listen to "Desert Storm";...inspired by all the unfortunate events of the Gulf War. The sound of helicopter rotor blades presents us with the final option. This album is a powerful and enduring psychedelic manifesto....." Rockerilla - Italy´s No.1 rock magazine
Strobe retread a no-mans land between "Strobe retread a no-man´s land between Loop/Hawkwind experimentation and Cure-style catharsis....Strobe don´t seem tied down by anything, the three guitars soar, the sound is full, dynamic and masterful...." Melody Maker 1991
Maybe not as consistently good as ´the Circle Never Ends´ this album has some stand out tracks, notably the epic ´see Beyond The Sun', the atmospheric 'Infinte Eye´ and the huge wall of sound of ´spiral'. This album continues where ´loop´ ended its experiments in psychedelic rock and is highly recommended!