c/o Old Winchester Cottage
Ardingly Road
Cuckfield RH17 5HF
ROBERT CHAMBERS gtr, bass gtr, vcls
CAROLINE DAVEY vcls, keyb'ds, hrmnca

I f*****g lurve Wobble Jaggle Jiggle!
Crawlspace contact: crawlspacenimbus@hotmail.com
"Strange Tales from the Electric Beyond"- WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE sure have surpassed themselves, both in quality and in quantity. They have upgraded their recording facilities from 4 to 8 track and the idea behind this voluminous release was to clean out the shelves of old recordings, presenting alternate versions of WJJ classics, unreleased songs and newer material. The four cassette sides offer a total of thirty-four short and longer tracks recorded between October 1992 and June 1996, demonstrating their growing abilities to write and record first class psychedelic material. Side one contains most of the recent stuff, like the psych rock of "Green grass", the CHEECH and CHONG humour of "No-blow cheer", a west coast guitar instrumental like "Surfing Conarado II", the totally warped vocals of "the band that played" and the really brainblowing "Misty rain", a wah wah heaven that paves the way for BIG BROTHER AND THE HOLDING COMPANY meets the MC-5 type psychedelics. "Green fuzz" is an echoing, weird cover of a 60īs garage classic (by Randy Alvin & Green Fuzz), "Freak" an excellent piece of psychy social awareness about Brightonīs homeless, and "We're only in it for the Munchies" is a very funny road movie for the ears about the TRIBAL SPACE '94 tour of Europe.Fantastic (and this is only side one!). Side two starts with one of the oldest recordings (October '92), "Can you feel it", but it sounds just fine in itīs new, psyched-out mix with wailing vocals by Caroline."Roll another Lettuce man" is a brilliant, more recent (94) version (the best!) of a really old WJJ classic, "Blue some time" brings...yes: the blues; "Midnight gnome on a carrousel" is a short spacey instrumental, "the Zombie get zombieīd" is fantastic mad psychobilly (sung by Robert), "Feel the vibes, parts 1&2" are two short trips into outer space. Next comes "Rocket launcher stimulator", again an old classic, recorded in September '95 and the most impressive version to date.. "Which way" is emotional psych rock and a thus far unreleased gem from January '94; "Musical company"(from March '95) gets the totally stoned treatment with some strange Theramin noises (courtesy of Simon Paul Jones). As the title suggests, the "Magic mushroom radio jingle" is a totally fuzzed-out jingle We occasionally use during broadcasts. Side three starts with "the Thinker", another newish song with fantastic vocals and wah wah guitar. "Paranoid pixies" is totally zonked SYD BARRETT psych and one of the best moments in this very rich collection. "Jamming gypsy woman" is another unreleased jam and "Ride through cosmic space" is yet another example of how WJJ have reached high levels of songwriting and production techniques(with simple equipment). Itīs just one big mass of stoned madness with eerie, echoing footsteps, etc. Great! From the same session in November '94 comes the enigmatic "Traffic light" with itīs rolling beat. "the strolling strut" is a remarkable instrumental built around acoustic guiter and some bass. Side three concludes with a shining version of "Infinite seas", one of WJJīs best. Side four starts with the up-tempo, humorous "Monster in my house" (yet another live classic), followed by another highlight: the seriously brainmelting "Things are weird lately"(with Robertīs @beyond the graveī vocals). "Carried away highway jam" is a long jam (surprise!, L.) with another impressive demonstration of Carolineīs vocal power. "Roll another-bottom slap" features a short instrumental version of one of their classics. "Hot feet soup" is a newer slice of delicious psych rock. "Big grand majestic" is a weird instrumental with organ and ufo sounds. "Jack the stripper" brings back hot and sweaty R&B vibes and "Goodnight" is the crazy end to their live shows, and of this mighty compilation of the lives and times of WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE, the lineup ran as follows throughout the recording: Caroline Davey (vocals, keyboars), Robert Chambers (guitar, vocals, bass) and Ivor Vazquez (drums) with help from Simon Paul Jones(of VIBRASONIC) on Fender Jaguar guitar and Theramin, Niall Hone (bass) and Dan Chapman (bass). WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE still remains one of Englandīs ultimate psych underground bands without a proper label. A shame, because Carolineīs unique vocal strength and Robertīs guitar playing and producing techniques are still unmatched by ant contemporary acts in England(and therest of Europe). So hereīs your chance to discover all this psychedelic beauty in one go, but donīt wait too long because the double cassette(about 160 mins) in a special double sized box has a limited edition of only 200 numbered copies. So be quick or be sorry forever.( taken from CROHINGA WELL,#13, Belgium).

Crawlspace contact: Nik.Hunt1@btinternet.com

2 cassettes:
Overflowing Bowl of Green Jelly (1992)
Rockadelic Reefer (1993)
WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE/"ROCKADELIC REEFER"-the excitement over "Overflowng Bowl of Green Jelly" has only just died down and already We're confronted with a new WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE release. Brighton psychedelics sure are blooming this spring. "Rockadelic Reefer" is a new batc of songs recorded with the same burning passion as the previous tapes. WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE still play a mix of late Sixties/early Seventies acid rock, blues rock and psychedelic pop, with a rough edge to it,partly due to the sound quality of their home recordings. Side A of the cassette ("Rockadelic" side) starts with the instrumental title track, in which Robert Chambers sets the tone with some wailing guitar outbursts. "Brown Armchair" is pure acid rock in the best AFFINITY/STONE THE CROWS vein. "Mushroom Daze" is more like Sixties psychy pop(with a "FUN WITH MUSHROOMS" promo incorporated). "On the Line" is a very long, slowly progressing work-out in psychedeic blues rock, while shorter tracks like "Green Smoke Rings" and "Nicely Quiet" demonstrate the ability of this band to be original in a style frame that has been "coverīd" by thousands of other groups. Side B (you guessed it, "Reefer" side) opens with the dark and gloomy "Stagnation", proving that WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE are not purely a "retro outfit" but that they're also able to assimulate current topics like unemployment and poverty into their songs."Velvety Things" is another highlight of this album.Sounding more like a wonderful escape to a hazy paradise. "Lazy Daisy" is a shorter, very Sixties-like song, a perfect single for the charts of 1967. "Woke up blues" is just mean grumbling low-down blues, and itīs followed by "Why canīt You understand Me", typical Seventies acid rock. "the Durjey durgey" *a round up of friends is thanked in a distorted voice) concludes the album. "Rockadelic Reefer" proves (for the second time in six months!) that WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE are a band with a huge musical potential. They can write great songs, Robert Chambers plays a mean and heavy guitar, Caroline Davey is blessed with powerful and rich rock voice, Ivor Vazquez is a skillful and inventive percussionist, what else does this band need(besides a new bass player?). A chance in a decent studio and an LP/CD on an independant label, I guess. "Rockadelic Reefer" is a perfect companion to "Overflowing Bowl of Green Jelly"! Look out for CROHINGA WELLīs offer:the "Myths of the Ghandarva" boxed set! (from CROHINGA WELL magazine, spring 1993, Belgium).
WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE/"OVERFLOWING BOWL OF GREEN JELLY"- WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE is a trio coming from Brighton: they recently appeared in the Delerium compilation "FUN WITH MUSHROOMS" with the beautiful "Thoughts of the Sky". Their latest tape, though being slightly different in the atmosphere of that song, will surely be appreciated by all the people who like raw psychedelic music: echoes of SPACEMEN 3, HENDRIX and JEFFERSON in twelve songs, the most inventive ones being "Cosmic ride", "Force of feedback" and "Dark stroll". The sound is dirty, smokey and powerful, excellent as always, Caroline Daveyīs vocals. Despite they have shown that they can play better stuff, they can still be considered a great promise. ( from MELODIE & DISSONANZE magazine, 1993, Italy).

These two tapes are the most enjoyable lengths of ferrous oxide that I have consumed in a long while. Stuffed full of Robert Chambers blistering psychedelic guitar work, witty and hilarious songs, Caroline Daveyīs powerfull voice and numerous surprise effects, they are truly a labour of love ( just eyeball the packaging, man!). The bandīs appearance on the " Fun with Mushrooms" compilation caused quite a fuss and these tapes can only add to that. Favoroute tracks on "..Overflowing" must be "Force of Feedback"(WOOOAHH!) and "Dark Stroll" while on "..Rockadelic" "Velvety Things" is a trip and-a-half. Brilliant! (taken from THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS/FREAKBEAT magazine, April 1993, England).

WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE/"OVERFLOWING BOWL OF GREEN JELLY"- Ever since the South East coast Mods swapped their Uppers and Downers for Acid in the late Sixties, Brighton has been a very psychedelic city. WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE are one of the latest bands to emerge from here. They are a Hippy band in the old school tradition of cosmic blues rock and they do it really well. They gain a couple of thousand credibility points for one of their singers-Caroline, who is the authentic hippy chic vocalist, part JANIS JOPLIN, part GRACE SLICK. She sings the more blues rock things like "Dark Stroll" and "Flame of Life", which builds from a rumble to a HAWKWIND'ish cacophany. The other singer is Robert Chambers. He sings the more BONZO DOO DAH DOG BAND style "Toke and Joke club"(Kazoo solo-not half mate) and other strange songs of reefers and armchair astronauts. The song matter does seem to fall into stereotypical psychedelic subjects like drugs, getting out yer box and bank managers (bank managers!?!). Itīs also got some really good small instrumental tracks like "Force of Feedback". You get the idea that they had a good time recording this tape, I always enjoy listening to it, itīs got a happy vibe to it. (from UGLY FANZINE, Spring 1993, England).
WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE-"FRESH TODAY". This, I think, was their first tape and itīs better than most bandīs second tape. Yeah, all them vital WOBBLIES ingrediants are here, Carolineīs GRACE SLICK vocals, HENDRIX'y psychedelic lead guitar, blues rock and why werenīt they at "WOODSTOCK"? Letīs twist again with the ANIMALS and RY COODERīs back for more. The second side of this is real whacky stuff... like a jam session, everyone is being very silly coz they know they are being taped! A nice psyche jam gets going, glide guitars and weirdy bits, HILLAGEīs GONG and BARRETTīs FLOYD, Lardo Man lubricates the world with jelly to the sound of a Hillbilly Cajun shuffle! Yeah, thereīs some imagery and mythos here that lifts the WOBBLIES up from the hordes, a band that enjoy what they do and want to cheer up the whole world in the process, bless'em! ( from MUSIC&ELSEWHERE magazine, 1993, England).
WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE/"SPIRALIZE SURPRIZE"-"Spiralize Surprize is Wobble Jaggle Jiggleīs seventh tape release already (since 1991) and this one is undoubtedly the most superior-sounding album ever made bythis hard-working Brighton band.Their powerful wall-of-psychedelics at CROHINGA WELLīs "EARTH RITUAL FESTIVAL", in November last year, was already a forerunner of this bandīs fastly growing capabilities. We werenīt completely prepared for the vibes this release would evoke here in CROHINGA WELL ranks, however.The tape starts with "Spiralize", over seven minutes of thundering space rock of the best HAWKWIND/SUN DIAL quality; "Iīve got Gnomes" is a weird psychy trip, featuring very heavy, stoned guitar and "pixie vocals". "We certainly donīt know" is sixties west coast in the best psychy tradition, sung in male/female double vocals. "Dragonfly, fly" is the first psychedelic highlight of this very high-quality song collection. Caroline Daveyīs voice is magnificently distorted into an almost Arabic sounding mode, creating a very psychedelic Middle Eastern fairy tale atmosphere, enhanced by some PINK FLOYD-style guitars; beautiful! "Monster Man" is a very short trippy British Sixties flash and side A closes with the heavy guitar FREAKOUT "Delightful Surprizes", featuring lots of..."Marijuana in you brain". The opener of side B, "Bourbon Frenzy" is My personal favoroute and the second highlight on this cassette. Carolineīs voice roars and wails with the expressiveness of GRACE SLICK and the power of JANIS JOPLIN on this bluesy psychy epic. The second part of this song (over 8 minutes long), is a breathtaking mass of PINK FLOYD'ish keyboards and guitars. But we're given no time to rest: "Huge Great Psychic Spider" comes next, a very trippy little horror story with eerie distorted vocals by Robert Chambers, reactivating de ole "Boris the Spider" theme and tradition; itīll leave arachnophobics screaming to get out. "Burnt Toast" could have been made around 1967/68; itīs a perfect psychedelic rock single, a classis like "Pictures of Matchstick Men" and "Itchycoo Park", full of phasing. Next comes "Rocket Launcher Stimulator", more psyched-out guitar work-outs, followed by "Rolling on and Up", a journey to wah-wah heaven with SUN DIAL like guitars and "jammy" vocalising. "All Things Wobbley" is the third highlight, a track HENDRIX himself would have been proud of: guitar feedback screams over drums, elaborately handled by Ivor Vazquez. Some spacey effects and distorted vocals close off this composition and tape. "Spiralize Surprize" is one of those rare releases in which "every tracks a winner", a real psychedelic masterpiece and amongst the very best of 1994(which is showing all the signs of a "rich" year). If this album would be available on vinyl, dealers from all over Europe would be standing in line to get their copies, thatīs for sure. The best one WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE ever made, both in music and in sound quality. Absolutely recommended, and... a nice one to light up to. ( from CROHINGA WELL magazine, Spring 1994, Belgium).

"Gigs" 1.WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE/MANDRAGORA/CAPTAIN STUPID-the Basement,Brighton-16/1/91. 2.WJJ-Prince Albert,Brighton-7/2/91. 3.WJJ-the Asylum,Brighton-6/4/91. 4.WJJ/NITRO PUPPY/RON-the Richmond,Brighton-20/4/91. 5.WJJ/MANDRAGORA-St. Peters church,Brighton-12/5/91. 6.WJJ/COSMO-Rumours,Eastbourne-16/7/91. 7.WJJ/COSMO-the Hare and Hounds,Brighton-17/11/91. 8.WJJ/COSMO-Rumours,Eastbourne-31/12/91. 9.WJJ/COSMO-Rumours,Eastbourne-6/2/92. 10.WJJ/PRAISE SPACE ELECTRIC/RED EYE EXPRESS-the Richmond,Brighton-14/2/92. 11.WJJ/MANDRAGORA/PAN-Pavilion Theatre,Brighton-10/4/92. 12.WJJ/GOAT-Reform club,Brighton-6/5/92. 13.WJJ-Brighton Urban Free Festival-4/7/92. 14.WJJ/the MORTICIANS-Golden Martlet,Helingly-21/3/93. 15.WJJ/MANDRAGORA/the GIANT EYES-Nijdrop,Belgium-28/5/93. 16.WJJ/MANDRAGORA/the GIANT EYES-Pacific,Belgium-31/5/93. 17.WJJ/OPEN MIND/DOCTOR BROWN-Nijdrop,Belgium-19/11/93. 18.WJJ/DOCTOR BROWN-the Posthouse,Belgium-20/11/93. 19.WJJ-the Shark club,Brighton-2/12/93. 20.WJJ-De Nieuwe Pul,Uden-29/4/95. 21.WJJ-Cafe Abondance,Dendermonde-1/5/95. 22.WJJ-Rockamadour,Dour-5/5/95. 23.WJJ-Jh.Ternat,Ternat-6/5/95. 24.WJJ-Planete Interdite,Liege-7/5/95. 25.WJJ-īt Zwart,Gent-2/5/95. 26.WJJ/the MORTICIANS-Racehill,Brighton-27/5/94. 27.WJJīs "ELECTRIC JELLY JAM"/VIBRASONIC/the MORTICIANS-the Pavilion Theatre,Brighton-5/8/95.

WOBBLE JAGLE JIGGLE/"SOCKITOME"- The latest release from the anarchic psychedelic blues rockers from Brighton who refuse to play the game. If your looking for nice sounds to chill out too- forget it. These are horrific power sounds, distorted to hell and itīs great! Never falls apart completely, which shows how good they are. They do teeter close to the edge of complete noise. They have a lot in common with DOO THE MOOG- itīs the same "fuck it", letīs have some fun" attitude. (taken from GUILFORD NEWSLETTER/GUIL F.I.N., May 1994, England).
WOBBLE JAGGLE JIGGLE specialise in mindblowing psycho-rock with the impressive JOPLIN-esque wail of Caroline Davey upfront. Squalls of guitar noise givethem a distinctive and unmistakable power and the basic electric energy has a fresh appeal. "Sockitome", a compilation of their material to date is as good a place to start as any. (taken from ROCK'N REEL music paper, 1994, England).