Brendan Quinn
Kris Thompson
Joe Turner

Why is this beautiful piece of space psychedelia still available? I thought it was sold out already! Aural Innvation says: "__Truly beautiful and totally trippy__ ... takes the listener on a trip to the deepest and most star filled reaches of space...". Read the review yourself I canīt describe it any better. My advice: BUY IMMEDIATELY !!!!!

Abunai wanted to do a different album, it seems. On this record you will find instrumental space rock improvisations and jam sessions, that have been recorded during the last couple of years and now mixed for record release. If you liked them life, go and get this record.

This record is as good as the first one. A bit of folkpsychedelic, really good guitar sound whic h results in a wall of sound sometimes. You will also find a hidden MP3 Track on it. When you liked the first record, you will have to buy this one too.

from The Wire (UK), issue #167, Jan. 1998: Soundcheck: In Brief: Out Rock: "Abunai! (Japanese for īlook out!', apparently) offset their whirling guitar maelstrom with folk rock elements (including a fine cover of Richard Thompsonīs "Calvary Cross") and acoustic lyricism. At times they recall the hallucinatory quality of Fairport Conventionīs groundbreaking "A Sailorīs Life", and also throw in an extract of "Maggot Brain" for good measure." (Tom Ridge) [reviewed with The Crystallized Movementsī īmind Disasterī and Primordial Undermindīs 'You And Me And The Continuum']