60385 Frankfurt

This CD contains only 2 tracks, just as if it was a good old LP. This first track is divided into 3 parts: wide space, moderate beat changing into a wall of sound with leading guitar and mantralike vocals. The second track "the speach of the fedaral chancellor is cancelled" is a montonous piece (reflecting the speach?) with wafting keyboards. We finally reach the "dark side of the moon" with moog & keyboard drifting of into some noise. The second track is about a long distance flight. Some dark underground, mystic and weird, dramatic and beautiful. Really good german spacerock.

A box with 4 CDs, full of weird spacy tunes, sound collages, psychedelic, strange, noisy and drony tunes. If you know and like the band, that box with a really thick booklet held by two screws is what you will want for christmas.

This live recording is a real trip. It happened 1996 but was not released until now. The singer sings about his handy, curse or blessing, or takes you to the outrageous journey of the moment just before your face hits the windshield at 30 miles an hour. This creates an intensity that puts you on a flashback trip. The whole thing is rough, the mixture is live an very psychedelic.

Very hard psychedelic rock bordering on lunatic punk and industrial metal by a German duo who play a plethora of musical instruments but mainly guitars and keyboards, don´t know their names but they look like serious loons.This is a very impressive album and very diverse. The first track "Animals" is aggressive, wacky and totally thrilling,a hybrid of Hawkwind and the Butthole Surfers with a touch of Big Black. "Departure" is a paranoia-inducving narrative debating the results of a car crash in the casual manner of a Genesis P. Orridge. A lot of the album is similar to Psychic TV or Throbbing Gristle with its shock-tactical lunacy and nonchalant narratives. "It´s Hot" is a welcoming psychedelic space-rockpiece, classical in many aspects crossing Hawklords and mid-period Floyd. "Kasim Muzik" is one of the highlights of the album, building up a rhythmic pace on the guitar while the keyboards swarm around this running sound, adrenalin pumping as we are chased by the music of the middle eastz catches in no time and holds us captive. It´s very psychedelic and very spiritual, if not enlightening and we feel compelled to pull out the mat and genuflect to the east."Corpses On My Way" is a sick as fuck story about encounters with dead children and other unfortunates. Funny as sick as it´s sang with emotion. Well, it makes me chuckle but I´m a twisted cunt."Schnarch Song" begins with an aggressive, dog-snarling type, snoring augmented by overdriven, distorted guitar riffs, extreme noise with a sort of Tibetan kids chanting in the far background. Meandering solos that come from full circle to the snoring, grumpy man. The whole album has an equal share of full-on headfuck sicko dementia and its sane and tranquil moments of musical harmony and general audial levitation. They´re bound to become immense especially now their first step of success has just now been awarded here, live from the Cosmic Crypt...Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present S/T with THE CRYPT COMPANION CERTIFICATE. Write into the Crypt for the address. Astro Zombie # 1 / 1997
S/T ("same title") is a duo of German record collectors ( Mr. Miller and Horse Badorties ) who create their own music at home on 4-track equipment and release it on their own Save Our Sperms label ( great name! ) housed in self-designed sleeves ( they´re both professionally active in the graphic sector ). They started this cottage industry about three years ago and so far released four singles, three tapes and a 10 inch mini LP " Catatonic Airkraut". Last Year, this beautiful packaged vinyl release ( on the Texan Lone Starfighter label also known for the "I?" CD by Mynd Muzic ) drew our attention with its spaced-out Krautrock moves. Early seventies German psychedelic rock still determines most of the sound spectrum on this first full-length album (eleven tracks / 68 minutes ) by S/T... The CD opens with "Animals", droning psychedelic rock of the Amon Düül II / Hawkwind-type. Next comes "Departure ( it´s over )" with its organ play and electronics , like a cross between Gila and Cluster. "Autumn is coming" is stoned folk in the Tyrannosaurus Rex mould, and "It´s Hot" is heavy heavy space rock, right out of the sound system of a passing U.F.O., while "Beissen Sie in die Kaulquappe aus Wachs ( PS. 8 )" ( which in translation boils down to "Bite the wax tadpole", L .) brings more lysergic folk,this time with a background of early Kraftwerk electronics. "Kasim Müzik" unveils an elegant Arabic atmosphere with its ethnic vocalisation, wailing violin and moody guitar lines. "Corpses on my Way" sounds like a psyched-out singer/songwriter exercise, preparing you for "The Educator", a slice of American sixties psych withwarped vocals and instrumentation. "Schnarch Song ( intro )" / "I Can´t Sleep ( live from Villabajo )" generates an impressive amount of psychedelic vibes via it´s weird samples, backward tapes, howling guitars, spacy keyboards and alien vocals - a real tour de force. "Der Eiertanz" concludes this very rich CD with its spacy, ambient soundscapes. Conclusion: S/T released a psychedelic killer album, a true piece of modern Krautrock made in the nineties with the spirit of the seventies. Same remark as with thw "Catatonic Airkraut" mini LP: stoned ideas always shine through. Mega-recommented. Get Happy! Records are the ones distributing this very limited CD. Crohinga Well # 12 . 1997

German psychedelic/progressive rock ( or Krautrock as we prefer to call it ) is on the rise again. Indications for this improved situation are coming from unlikely places: Lone Starfighter Records is a new label from ... San Antonio, Texas ( U.S.A )! How this label ever got into contact with the german duo S/T ( Mr. Miller and Horse Badorties ) is a mystery to me, but their first mini LP ( five tracks/31 minutes ) is a fact. "Catatonic Airkraut" came out as a see-through ultramarine blue 10 inch, tucked away in an artful gimmix sleeve. S/T is clearly very much influenced by early seventies German psychedelics because the five tracks on this nice blue platter all bear the mark of that period. "Airkraut" is over 10 minutes long and features Hawkwindish space drive combined with the weirder moments of an early Amon Düül II, fantastic brainsplitting mayhem. "Erzengels Donnervogel" ( the title is a straight translation of Amon Düül II´s "Archangel´s Thunderbird" from "Yeti") is a very spooky song based on phased, echoing keyboards and very stoned, recited German lyrics. The B side starts with "Now", a very tripped-out ballad with dramatic ( English ) vocals, moody piano and weird background noises. "Wieners" is a more psychy folk track with dreamy vocals and some sparse keyboard support. "Clustermania" is an instrumental that brings back memories of early Kraftwerk/Popol Vuh/Cluster albums. Echoing keyboards dominate this excellent dreamaway into the cosmos experience. This is obviously an underground debut release made with very little money and equipment, but stoned ideas always shine through! A strange but very recommended debut, destined to become a collector´s item, since only 500 numbered copies were made of this cleverly packaged psychedelic pearl. Crohinga Well 11 . 1995